January 2020 |
All business except Irish and German policies transferred to Utmost Life and Pensions. Irish and German policies remain with Equitable Life, a subsidiary of Utmost. |
December 2019 |
Second High Court Hearing sanctioned the Scheme of Arrangement and the Transfer of all business, excluding Irish and German policies, to Utmost Life and Pensions. |
November 2019 |
The Scheme and the Change to the Articles were both passed at the Policyholders’ Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting. |
July 2019 |
First High Court Hearing to give approval to hold Policyholders’ Meeting and Extraordinary Meeting and provide policyholders with details about the Equitable Proposal. |
June 2018 |
Announced Proposal for a Scheme of Arrangement and the transfer of Equitable Life to Utmost Life and Pensions (formerly Reliance Life). |
April 2015 |
Increased capital distribution to 35% for with-profits policyholders. |
April 2014 |
Doubled capital distribution to 25% for with-profits policyholders. |
March 2011 |
Announced 12.5% distribution for with-profits policyholders. |
February 2002 |
High Court sanctioned compromise scheme which addressed the guaranteed annuity rate issue. |
December 2000 |
The Society closes to new business. |
July 2000 |
House of Lords rules against differential final bonus and against 'ring-fencing'. The Board decided that it was in the best interests of members to put the society up for sale. |
January 2000 |
Court of Appeal rules against the differential final bonus practice. |
September 1999 |
High Court approves the differential final bonus practice. |
January 1999 |
Equitable initiates the court case to validate the differential final bonus practice. |
1990 |
About 1.5million policies in force. |
1762 |
Equitable Life Assurance Society was founded. |