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Please click here to find the following information:

  • Latest and *historical bid prices
  • Fund factsheets, which include fund objectives and risk ratings (you need to click on the fund name to open the factsheet)
  • Historical performance data
  • Details of charges
  • TCFD product reports - these are currently being finalised and you will be able to view them shortly.

*to find historical fund prices you should follow the instructions below:

  • Put a tick next the chosen fund and click on ‘Add to charting tool’ and this will bring up an interactive chart
  • Click on ‘Chart settings’ and choose ‘Price’
  • When you move your cursor over the graph a red line will appear and you can move this up and down to see historical prices and the date and the bid price will show at the top of the chart

To obtain the right information for your policies you will need to choose the right Fund Range from the dropdown menu in the top left hand corner (which will show ‘All products’ when you first open the link). The options are:

  • Equitable Life – this if for German and Irish policyholders that remained in Equitable Life following the transfer of the rest of the business to Utmost Life and Pensions. Equitable Life is now a subsidiary of Utmost Life and Pensions
  • Utmost former Equitable Life - the funds shown will be for both our Life and Pensions funds, so you will need to choose the right fund for the product that you have
  • Utmost former Reliance Life